Ledger® Live @ Desktop | Security for Crypto

Ledger Live Desktop supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, providing a centralized platform for asset management.

Ledger Live Desktop: Your Secure Gateway to Cryptocurrency Management

Ledger Live Desktop is a powerful software application developed by Ledger, a leading provider of hardware wallets. This desktop version of Ledger Live serves as the primary interface for managing your cryptocurrency assets stored on Ledger devices.

Installing Ledger Live Desktop

To get started with Ledger Live Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official Ledger website and navigate to the Ledger Live download page.

  2. Select the desktop version and follow the instructions to download and install Ledger Live on your computer.

  3. Once installed, open Ledger Live and choose your preferred setup option: set up a new device, restore from a recovery phrase, or skip device setup if you already have a Ledger wallet configured.

Key Features of Ledger Live Desktop

Ledger Live Desktop offers a range of features to simplify cryptocurrency management:

  • Secure transactions: When using Ledger Live with a Ledger hardware wallet, you can approve transactions offline, ensuring your private keys remain secure.

  • Coin support: Ledger Live Desktop supports a wide variety of digital currencies, with new coins regularly added to the platform.

  • Portfolio management: Monitor your cryptocurrency holdings and transactions in one centralized location.

  • Passphrase-protected wallets: Create and manage passphrase-protected hidden wallets for added security.

  • Watch-only mode: Enable watch-only mode for specific wallets to monitor balances without exposing your private keys.

Updating Ledger Live Desktop

To ensure you have access to the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements, it is crucial to keep Ledger Live Desktop up to date. The application will prompt you when an update is available, or you can manually check for updates in the settings menu.


Ledger Live Desktop is an essential tool for managing your cryptocurrency assets stored on Ledger hardware wallets. With its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and support for a wide range of digital currencies, Ledger Live Desktop empowers users to take control of their financial future in the digital age.

Last updated